Il suo pubblico era anche quello di chi ha un sottile portamonete. Dal 1995 operava a New York e oggi produce a Milano, in Italia, paese di origine della sua natura. La sua aspirazione consiste nellattraversare il guado che separa il terreno della cultura accademica passata ed approdare su quello che sarà la scena di una profonda ed autentica trasformazione ed ampliamento dei campi culturali.
Alcuni di questi continueranno ad allontanarsi dai bisogni di ogni giorno per servire delle élites sempre piú ristrette. Altri, piú vitali, insisteranno ad aiutare gli individui nelle loro necessità quotidiane.
Fish Design non si soddisfa con luniformità, la leggerezza degli oggetti di design tradizionale e la loro stanchezza, astrazione e globalità. In un momento storico di giorno in giorno piú complesso, Fish Design si propone di offrire piú calore, buon umore, piú affezione agli spazi che ospitano la nostra vita e contribuire alla loro salute». Gaetano Pesce, architetto artista designer, si è impegnato nella realizzazione di diverse opere in architettura, pianificazione urbana, design di interni e mostre, design industriale ed editoria. Nato a La Spezia in Italia nel 1939, Gaetano Pesce ha studiato alla Facoltà di Architettura dellUniversità di Venezia.Ha vissuto a Padova, Venezia, Londra, Helsinki, Parigi e dal 1980 abita a New York. Il suo lavoro multidisciplinare, che comprende il fare arte e performance, è stato oggetto di molte pubblicazioni e mostre e le sue opere si trovano esposte nelle collezioni permanenti di musei in Francia, Finlandia, Italia, Portogallo, Inghilterra e Stati Uniti. Lopera di Gaetano Pesce è caratterizzata dalle serie diversificate, la doppia funzionalità degli oggetti e dellarchitettura, un uso creativo del colore, la dimensione politica dei suoi progetti, la teoria e la pratica del fatto poveramente, la provocazione, il perfezionamento delluso dei materiali sintetici, la teoria della femminilità nei progetti architettonici e, in ultimo, la cultura degli oggetti.
FISH DESIGN Philosophy Unique objects, each one different to the next; this is the concept that encapsulates the Fish Design philosophy. The creativity of the craftsperson, the unpredictability of the fluids and the opportunity to insert variables, from the choice of colour to the distribution of the materials, are some of the paths to obtaining the diversity and uniqueness of a Fish Design object. What is exalted is the humanity of the defect.Creative expression thus moves within the bounds of non-repetitive production that stimulate the affection of the user for the object itself. The Fish Design product satisfies the changeable demands of contemporary society, offering functionality but also those multi-sensorial expressions, emotions and positive states of mind, only too frequently absent from our daily lives.
The choice of materials of our times is, furthermore, an essential element. The adoption of fluid, dynamic, variable and expressive resins was therefore by no means causal. Plastic materials have always represented the idea of modernity and the future for Gaetano Pesce and have offered him the opportunity to innovate and search for a new concept of beauty.
«Fish Design is a polyhedric collection of artefacts. Fish Design is a phrase that produces objects for the home. From its origins in the mid-Nineties, Fish Design has spoken of uniqueness as the evolution of the standard. Of the humanity of the defect, of its beauty, of joy, of tactility, of sensuality, of sympathy, of elasticity, of colour, of femininity, of innovation. Fish Designs public is also composed of those with slim wallets.
From 1995 it operated out of New York and today produces in Milan, Italy, the country of origin of its nature. Its aspiration is that of crossing the ford separating the terrain of the academic culture of the past and what will be the setting for a profound and authentic transformation and extension of the cultural fields. Some of these will continue to distance themselves from everyday demands to serve ever more restricted elites. Others, more vital, will continue to assist individuals in their daily needs. Fish Design refuses to be satisfied with uniformity, with the lightness of the objects of traditional design and their tiredness, abstraction and globality.
In an historical period that grows ever more complex day by day, Fish Design is determined to offer more warmth, good humour and affection to the spaces that house our lives and to contribute to their health». Gaetano Pesce Biography Gaetano Pesce an architect-artist-designer based in New York City, has undertaken diverse commissions in architecture, urban planning, interior and exhibition design, industrial design and publishing. Born in La Spezia, Italy, in 1939, Gaetano Pesce was trained at the University of Venice Faculty of Architecture. He has lived in Padova, Venice, London Helsinki, Paris and, since 1980, New York. His multidisciplinary work, that encompasses art making and performance, has been the subject of numerous publications and exhibitions and is currently displayed in the permanent collections of museum in France, Finland, Italy, Portugal, England and the United States.
Pesces work is characterized by the diversified series, the double functionality of objects and architecture, the creative use of colors, the political dimension of his projects, the theory and practice of the poorly made, the provocation, the use and improvement of synthetic materials, the theory of femininity in the architectural projects and, lastly, the culture of objects. Ricorda di aggiungermi all'elenco dei preferiti. L'item "FISH DESIGN VASO ARTE MEDUSA GAETANO PESCE ART VASE" est en vente depuis le samedi 8 mai 2010. Il est dans la catégorie "Casa, arredamento e bricolage\Decorazione della casa\Altro decorazione della casa".mdb" et est localisé à/en Godega di S.
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